[English below]
Max Würden (1971, Cologne) es músico, baterista y compositor de bandas sonoras. Desde finales de los 80 despliega un background musical que abarca del indie-rock al jazz, pasando por la electrónica experimental de beats cálidos y pausados y el ambient con un expresivo archivo de sonoridades propias junto a un más que notable uso de modulares personalizados.
Tras su paso por distintas bandas, es en los primeros 2000 cuando comienza a desdoblar su singular universo sonoro tanto en lo discográfico como en la producción y composición de bandas sonoras para cortometrajes, radio shows y largos de carácter documental (Systers of no mercy, Lukas Roegler, 2007) y cinematográfico (Derailed, Thorsten Nesch, 2017).
Esto la he permitido dotar a su música de una narrativa que combina resultados de sus directos con una exhaustiva exploración en el estudio usando grabaciones de campo de entornos naturales y urbanos, gran variedad instrumentos acústicos y objetos de los que extrae sonidos (no siempre de la manera más ortodoxa) para crear texturas y espacios heterogéneos con el uso de distintas técnicas.
Max Würden ha publicado en importantes sellos como A Strangely Isolated Place (Format, 2019), en El Muelle Records (Momentum, 2018), junto a nuestro querido Pepo Galán (All of a sudden, Unknown Tone, 2018), Binemusic o Exponate en la serie curada Wolfgang Voigt. Desde 2015 ha participado repetidas veces en la prestigiosa colección Pop Ambient del no menos admirado sello Kompakt, compartiendo en ocasiones la composición con su compinche y amigo Thore Pfeiffer.
Muy interesante, curiosa y con cierto punto arty y artesanal, es Waldempfänger. Una instalación que presentó el año pasado, en el que objetos sonoros «reciben» un flujo de la WWW (WoodWideWeb) e irradian un fondo sonoro natural en el entorno inmediato, que tiene un efecto positivo en el cuerpo y la mente; un remanso de paz a una vida cotidiana estresante, en las antípodas de la WorldWideWeb.

Max Würden (1971, Cologne) is musician, drummer and soundtrack composer. Since late 80’s he has fuelled a musical background that ranges from indie-rock to jazz, passing through experimental electronica of warm and slow beats and ambient with an expressive collection of personal sonorities joined with a more than remarkable use of customized modulars.
After spending time in different bands, it’s in the early 2000’s when he starts to unfold his unique sound universe both on records and soundtrack composition for short films, radio shows, documentary (Sisters of no mercy, Lukas Roegler, 2007) and films (Derailed, Thorsten Nesch, 2017).
This experience provides his music of a deeply personal narrative that combines results from live performances with an exhaustive exploration of studio possibilities. Using field recordings of natural and urban environments and a wide variety of instruments and acoustic objects -from which he captures sounds and not always in the most orthodox way-, Max creates textures, pop-folk reminiscent melodies and heterogeneous spaces with the use of different techniques.
Max Würden has released on major labels such as A Strangely Isolated Place (Format, 2019), El Muelle Records (Momentum, 2018), Binemusic or Wolfgang Voigt’s Exponate curated series. Since 2015 he has repeatedly participated in the prestigious Pop Ambient collection of the no less admired Kompakt label, some of them sharing composition with his sidekick and friend Thore Pfeiffer. In 2018 he released All of a sudden, composed & produced in collaboration with our beloved Pepo Galán on american Unknown Tone Records.
Last year he developed Waldempfänger. A very interesting and curious installation –with a certain arty and crafty touch– where sound objects «receive» a flow from the WWW (WoodWideWeb) and radiate a natural sound background in the immediate environment with a positive effect on body and mind; a haven of peace for a stressful daily life, at the antipodes of the WorldWideWeb.
Max Würden (1971, Cologne) is musician, drummer and soundtrack composer. Since late 80’s he has fuelled a musical background that ranges from indie-rock to jazz, passing through experimental electronica of warm and slow beats and ambient with an expressive collection of personal sonorities joined with a more than remarkable use of customized modulars.
After spending time in different bands, it’s in the early 2000’s when he starts to unfold his unique sound universe both on records and soundtrack composition for short films, radio shows, documentary (Sisters of no mercy, Lukas Roegler, 2007) and films (Derailed, Thorsten Nesch, 2017).
This experience provides his music of a deeply personal narrative that combines results from live performances with an exhaustive exploration of studio possibilities. Using field recordings of natural and urban environments and a wide variety of instruments and acoustic objects -from which he captures sounds and not always in the most orthodox way-, Max creates textures, pop-folk reminiscent melodies and heterogeneous spaces with the use of different techniques.
Max Würden has released on major labels such as A Strangely Isolated Place (Format, 2019), El Muelle Records (Momentum, 2018), Binemusic or Wolfgang Voigt’s Exponate curated series. Since 2015 he has repeatedly participated in the prestigious Pop Ambient collection of the no less admired Kompakt label, some of them sharing composition with his sidekick and friend Thore Pfeiffer. In 2018 he released All of a sudden, composed & produced in collaboration with our beloved Pepo Galán on american Unknown Tone Records.
